How could expressive arts sessions relate to the four purposes of the curriculum?
How could expressive arts sessions relate to the four purposes of the curriculum (Donaldson, 2015)? Expressive arts, an area of learning and experience within the new curriculum, consists of art and design, music, dance and drama. There may be the inclusion of film, media or ‘wider creative aspects such as improvisation’ (Meehan, 2015) The subjects contribute to all four purposes of the curriculum for children to become ‘ambitious, capable learners, enterprising, creative contributors, ethical, informed citizens and healthy, confident individuals.’ (Welsh Government, 2018) Through the sessions pupils can ‘express their feelings and emotions, discover and develop their personal, social, cultural identity, learn to recognise and value their culture locally, nationally and globally.’ (Education Scotland, 2018) The Welsh Government has changed the way the curriculum is delivered in Wales and has emphasised more of an importance towards expressive arts amongst core subjects such as...